BrickzApp - The opensource LEGO® database


launching sets retiring sets


set 10391 - 2024-09-25 11:15:01.494135+02:00

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            "bullet_points": "\u2022 Aim for the stars! \u2013 Unlock your creative potential with the LEGO\u00ae Icons Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams (10391) building project for adults\u2022 What\u2019s in the box \u2013 All you need to build a model space shuttle and colorful jet stream display stand, plus Pharrell Williams and Helen Williams minifigures and 49 interchangeable character heads\u2022 Features \u2013 The model space shuttle has an opening cockpit and comes with attachable landing gear, and the set also includes 2 space helmets with opening gold-colored visors\u2022 Build and display \u2013 The model space shuttle can be displayed in takeoff mode when attached to the jet stream display stand\u2022 A creative gift for adults \u2013 Makes a fun gift idea for adult fans of Pharrell Williams and LEGO\u00ae building sets\u2022 Digital building instructions \u2013 The LEGO\u00ae Builder app features an interactive 3D version of the building instructions included with this set\u2022 Dimensions \u2013 Measures over 19.5 in. (49 cm) high, 7.5 in. (20 cm) deep and 7 in. (19 cm) wide\u2022 Be curious \u2013 Discover a wide range of advanced LEGO\u00ae building sets for adults\u2022 Quality materials \u2013 LEGO\u00ae building bricks are manufactured from high-quality materials and are consistent, compatible and connect and pull apart easily every time: it\u2019s been that way since 1958\u2022 Safety and quality come first \u2013 LEGO\u00ae pieces are rigorously tested, so you can be sure that this model is robust",
            "comm_bullet_points": "\u2022 Aim for the stars! \u2013 Unlock your creative potential with the LEGO\u00ae Icons Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams (10391) building project for adults\u2022 What\u2019s in the box \u2013 All you need to build a model space shuttle and colorful jet stream display stand, plus Pharrell Williams and Helen Williams minifigures and 49 interchangeable character heads\u2022 Features \u2013 The model space shuttle has an opening cockpit and comes with attachable landing gear, and the set also includes 2 space helmets with opening gold-colored visors\u2022 Build and display \u2013 The model space shuttle can be displayed in takeoff mode when attached to the jet stream display stand\u2022 A creative gift for adults \u2013 Makes a fun gift idea for adult fans of Pharrell Williams and LEGO\u00ae building sets",
            "comm_description": "Embark on a fantastic journey with the LEGO\u00ae Icons Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams (10391) building project for adults. As a child, Pharrell\u2019s creative optimism and his surroundings at Atlantis Apartments fueled his curiosity and provided thelaunchpad that helped him build the future he wanted for himself, and others like him. The inspiring display model depicts a space shuttle heading for the stars, propelled by a colorful jet stream. This set also includes Pharrell Williams and Helen Wil liams astronaut minifigures, plus 49 interchangeable character heads. Cool detailsThe model space shuttle has an opening cockpit and comes with attachable landing gear, which can be fitted when the vehicle is detached from the jet-stream display stand. Each of the 2 minifigures has a titanium-colored space suit with printed detailing, plus a space helmet with an opening gold-colored visor.\r\nA creative giftDiscover a space to unwind with the wide range of inspiring LEGO building sets for adults.",
            "description": "Ignite your inner creativity with the LEGO\u00ae Icons Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams building set for adults. Set your imagination free as you craft the black and gold space shuttle propelled by a colorful jet stream. Perfect for display, this inspiring model comes with Pharrell and Helen astronaut minifigures, plus 49 interchangeable character heads.",
            "display_title": "Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams",
            "features": [
                "Launch into a creative project",
                "Embark on a fantastic journey with the LEGO\u00ae Icons Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams building project for adults.",
                "An out-of-this world building experience",
                "Ignite your inner creativity as you craft a black and goldspace shuttle heading for the stars.",
                "LEGO\u00ae Icons Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams",
                "Dynamic display stand",
                "A colorful jet stream propels the shuttle skyward.",
                "Cool detailing",
                "Features a tandem cockpit and attachable landing gear.",
                "MY PHRIENDS",
                "A unique mi nifigure display with 49 swappable heads.",
                "Pharrell and Helen Williams minifigures",
                "Each minifigure comes with a titanium-colored space suit and a space helmet with an opening gold-colored visor.",
                "A premium LEGO\u00ae gift for adults",
                "Treat yourself or give this creative building set as a gift for adult fans of Pharrell Williams and LEGO\u00ae building sets."
            "headline": "An inspiring building project for adults",
            "one_liner": "Unleash your inner creativity with the LEGO\u00ae Icons Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams space shuttle building project for adults.",
            "tags": [],
            "title": "Over the Moon with Pharrell Williams"
        "fr-fr": {
            "bullet_points": "\u2022 Visez les \u00e9toiles ! \u2013 Lib\u00e9rez votre potentiel cr\u00e9atif avec le projet de construction pour adultes LEGO\u00ae Icons La t\u00eate dans les \u00e9toiles avec Pharrell Williams (10391)\u2022 Que contient la bo\u00eete ? \u2013 Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour construire un mod\u00e8le de navette spatiale et un pr\u00e9sentoir avec flux d\u2019\u00e9chappement color\u00e9, ainsi que les minifigurines de Pharrell Williams et Helen Williams avec 49 t\u00eates interchangeables\u2022 Caract\u00e9ristiques \u2013 La navette spatiale poss\u00e8de un cockpit qui s\u2019ouvre et un traind\u2019atterrissage amovible. En outre, le set comprend 2 casques \u00e0 visi\u00e8re dor\u00e9e qui s\u2019ouvre\u2022 Construire et exposer \u2013 La navette spatiale peut \u00eatre expos\u00e9e en mode d\u00e9collage lorsqu\u2019elle est fix\u00e9e au pr\u00e9sentoir avec flux d\u2019\u00e9chappement\u2022 Un cadeau cr\u00e9atif pour adultes \u2013 Une formidable id\u00e9e de cadeau pour les adultes fans de Pharrell Williams et des sets de construction LEGO\u00ae\u2022 Instructions de montage num\u00e9riques \u2013 L\u2019application LEGO\u00ae Builder propose une version 3D interactive des instructions incluses d ans la bo\u00eete\u2022 Dimensions \u2013 Le mod\u00e8le mesure plus de 49 cm de haut, 20 cm de profondeur et 19 cm de large\u2022 Faites preuve de curiosit\u00e9 \u2013 D\u00e9couvrez un large \u00e9ventail de sets de construction LEGO\u00ae avanc\u00e9s pour adultes\u2022 Des mat\u00e9riaux de qualit\u00e9 \u2013 Les briques LEGO\u00ae sont fabriqu\u00e9es \u00e0 partir de mat\u00e9riaux de qualit\u00e9 sup\u00e9rieure ; compatibles entre elles, elles s\u2019assemblent et se s\u00e9parent facilement, et ce depuis 1958\u2022 S\u00e9curit\u00e9 et qualit\u00e9 avant tout \u2013 Les pi\u00e8ces LEGO\u00ae sont soumises \u00e0 des tests rigoureux garantissant la solidit\u00e9 des mod\u00e8les",
            "description": "\u00c9veillez votre cr\u00e9ativit\u00e9 int\u00e9rieure avec le set de construction pour adultes LEGO\u00ae Icons La t\u00eate dans les \u00e9toiles avec Pharrell William. Laissez libre cours \u00e0 votre imagination tandis que vous construisez la navette spatiale noir et or propuls\u00e9e par un flux d\u2019\u00e9chappement color\u00e9. Id\u00e9al pour exposer, ce mod\u00e8le inspirant comprend des minifigurines astronautes de Pharell et Helen ainsi que 49 t\u00eates interchangeables.",
            "display_title": "La t\u00eate dans les \u00e9toiles avec Pharrell Williams",
            "features": [
                "Lancez-vous dans un projet cr\u00e9atif",
                "Embarquez pour un voyage fascinant avec le set pour adultes LEGO\u00ae Icons La t\u00eate dans les \u00e9toiles avec Pharrell Williams.",
                "Une exp\u00e9rience de construction hors du commun",
                "\u00c9veillez votre cr\u00e9ativit\u00e9 int\u00e9rieure en cr\u00e9ant une navette spatiale noir et or en route pour les \u00e9toiles.",
                "LEGO\u00ae Icons La t\u00eate dans les \u00e9toiles avec Pharrell Williams",
                "Pr\u00e9sentoir dynamique",
                "Un jet d\u2019\u00e9chappement color\u00e9 propulse la navette vers le ciel.",
                "De superbes d\u00e9tails",
                "Inclut un cockpit double et un train d\u2019atterrissage \u00e0 fixer.",
                "Une pr\u00e9sentation unique",
                "Minifigurines avec 49 t\u00eates de personnages interchangeables.",
                "Minifigurines de Pharrell et Helen Williams",
                "Chaque minifigurine est dot\u00e9e d\u2019une combinaison spatiale couleur titane etd\u2019un casque \u00e0 visi\u00e8re dor\u00e9e qui s\u2019ouvre.",
                "Un cadeau LEGO\u00ae d\u2019exception pour les adultes",
                "Offrez-vous ce set de construction cr\u00e9atif ou offrez-le \u00e0 des adultes fans de Pharrell Williams et de sets LEGO\u00ae."
            "headline": "Un projet de construction inspirant pour adultes",
            "one_liner": "Laissez libre cours \u00e0 votre cr\u00e9ativit\u00e9 int\u00e9rieure avec le projet de construction de navette spatiale pour adultes LEGO\u00ae Icons La t\u00eate dans les \u00e9toiles avec Pharrell Williams.",
            "tags": [],
            "title": "La t\u00eate dans les \u00e9toiles avec Pharrell Williams"
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