BrickzApp - The opensource LEGO® database


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set 30116 - 2024-07-31 11:15:01.410053+02:00

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        "launchDate": "2014-02-01T00:00:00",
        "marketingExitDate": "2014-12-31T00:00:00"
    "locale": {
        "en-us": {
            "description": "Build LEGO\u00ae Brand Disney Princess\u2122 Rapunzel's Market Visit, decorate her hair with pretty bows then go shopping at the flower stall.",
            "display_title": "Rapunzel's Market Visit",
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            "title": "Rapunzel's Market Visit"
        "fr-fr": {
            "description": "Toute la magie des princesses Disney \u00e0 construire avec LEGO ! Revis la merveilleuse sc\u00e8ne du march\u00e9 avec Raiponce.",
            "display_title": "La visite au march\u00e9 de Raiponce",
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            "title": "La visite au march\u00e9 de Raiponce"
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