BrickzApp - The opensource LEGO® database


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set 44000 - 2024-12-09 11:15:01.941966+01:00

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            "bullet_points": "\u2022 Features flaming fire sword and fire shield, cape, armored and decorated hero visor, tough spiked shoulder armor and hero core locking clamps\r\n\u2022 Includes highly durable and poseable design with translucent orange armor elements\r\n\u2022 Face the evil brains with FURNO's flaming fire sword!\r\n\u2022 Lock the clamps and protect the hero core!\r\n\u2022 Battle with 44001 PYROX!\r\n\u2022 Combine with 44001 PYROX using building instructions available at!\r\n\u2022 Also includes unique code worth 1000 game points for LEGO\u00ae Hero Factory Brain Attack mobile app and online game at\r\n\u2022 Stands over 9\" (23cm) tall",
            "description": "Attention FURNO! The galaxy is under attack by the evil brains and it's time to prepare for battle. We've equipped you with a flaming fire sword and fire shield, cape, armored visor, spiked shoulder armor and hero core locking clamps. Use your new powered-up tools to turn up the heat and bring those brains to justice!",
            "display_title": "FURNO XL",
            "headline": "Blaze into battle against the evil brains with FURNO XL!",
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            "description": "Attention FURNO ! La galaxie est attaqu\u00e9e par des Cervelators et il est temps de se pr\u00e9parer \u00e0 partir en misison. Nous vous avons \u00e9quip\u00e9s d'une \u00e9p\u00e9e de feu et un bouclier de feu, une cape, une visi\u00e8re blind\u00e9e, une armure \u00e0 griffes super r\u00e9sistantes pour port\u00e9ger votre capsule H. Utilisez vos nouvelles armes toujours plus puissantes pour passer \u00e0 l'action et combattre cette Cervell'Attack !",
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