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set 45029 - 2024-07-28 07:50:15.584431+02:00

    "assets": [
            "assetFiles": [
                    "extension": ".png",
                    "fileName": "45029_Boxprod_01.png",
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                    "modifiedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
                    "size": 344356,
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            "baseName": "45029_Boxprod_01",
            "itemId": "50045029",
            "modifiedDate": "2023-11-14T02:02:17.4004451",
            "type": "product.img.pri"
    "availability": {
        "launchDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
        "marketingExitDate": "2024-12-31T00:00:00"
    "locale": {
        "en-us": {
            "bullet_points": "\u2022 90 LEGO\u00ae DUPLO\u00ae elements, including a collection of 40 wild animals, farm animals and pets, such as an elephant, polar bear, whale and fish.\r\n\u2022 4 double-sided building cards with 8 different animal habitats, including savannah, forest and underwater, to help children understand where animals live, what they need to survive and how they differ from each other.\r\n\u2022 Getting Started card with 5 playful learning activity ideas introduces children to animals and their habitats, while discussing how to take care of them introduces early math, sorting, categorizing and more.\r\n\u2022 Promotes essential 21st century skills, like social and emotional development, and helps preschoolers understand relationships.\r\n\u2022 A great complement to other Early Learning solutions, such as the 45028 My XL World set.\r\n\u2022 Inspire children to explore the world with 8 animal habitats \u2013 savannah, forest, jungle, Arctic, underwater, pets, farm and Asian forest\r\n\u2022 Part of the LEGO\u00ae Education Early Learning system of holistic learning for preschoolers.",
            "description": "LEGO\u00ae Education Animals is the perfect way to let preschoolers explore the wonderful world of animals. This Early Learning set comes with 90 LEGO DUPLO\u00ae elements, including 40 wild animals, farm animals and pets, plus 4 double-sided building inspiration cards depicting 8 different habitats, to help children learn what animals need to survive and how they differ. A Getting Started card with 5 activity ideas is also included to promote children's 21st century skills, like social and emotional development and early math skills in a safe and playful learning environment.",
            "display_title": "Animals",
            "headline": "Introduce early learners to the magic of the animal kingdom",
            "one_liner": "Let early learners explore the world of animals with an inspiring collection of colorful LEGO\u00ae DUPLO\u00ae animal figures and accessory elements.",
            "tags": [],
            "title": "Animals"
        "fr-fr": {
            "bullet_points": "\u2022 91 \u00e9l\u00e9ments LEGO\u00ae DUPLO\u00ae, dont une collection de 40 animaux sauvages, de ferme et de compagnie, notamment un \u00e9l\u00e9phant, un ours polaire, une baleine et un poisson.\r\n\u2022 4 cartes d\u2019inspiration recto-verso illustrant 8 habitats diff\u00e9rents, notamment la savane, la for\u00eat et les fonds marins, pour aider les tout-petits \u00e0 comprendre o\u00f9 vivent les animaux, quels sont les \u00e9l\u00e9ments n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 leur survie et en quoi ils diff\u00e8rent les uns des autres.\r\n\u2022 Une carte de d\u00e9marrage avec 5 id\u00e9es d'activit\u00e9 ludiques permettant de pr\u00e9senter les animaux et leurs habitats, de d\u00e9couvrir comment prendre soin d\u2019eux et d\u2019aborder les premi\u00e8res notions de math\u00e9matiques, le tri, la cat\u00e9gorisation et plus encore.\r\n\u2022 Favorise les comp\u00e9tences essentielles du XXIe si\u00e8cle, comme le d\u00e9veloppement social et \u00e9motionnel, et aide les enfants de maternelle \u00e0 comprendre les relations.\r\n\u2022 Constitue un excellent compl\u00e9ment aux autres solutions d'apprentissage Early Learning, comme l'ensemble Mon monde en grand (45028).\r\n\u2022 Invite les enfants \u00e0 explorer le monde des animaux au travers de 8 habitats : la savane, la for\u00eat, la jungle, l\u2019Arctique, les fonds marins, les animaux de compagnie, la ferme et la for\u00eat asiatique.\r\n\u2022 Fait partie du syst\u00e8me LEGO\u00ae Education Early Learning pour l'apprentissage holistique \u00e0 destination des jeunes enfants.",
            "description": "Les animaux LEGO\u00ae Education sont une solution id\u00e9ale pour permettre aux tout-petits d\u2019explorer le monde merveilleux des animaux. Cet ensemble Early Learning est livr\u00e9 avec 91 \u00e9l\u00e9ments LEGO DUPLO\u00ae, dont 40 animaux sauvages, de ferme et de compagnie ainsi que 4 cartes d'inspiration recto-verso illustrant 8 habitats diff\u00e9rents, pour d\u00e9couvrir ce dont les animaux ont besoin pour survivre et quelles sont leurs diff\u00e9rences. Une carte de d\u00e9marrage avec 5 id\u00e9es d'activit\u00e9 permet en outre de stimuler lescomp\u00e9tences essentielles du XXIe si\u00e8cle, comme le d\u00e9veloppement social et \u00e9motionnel et les premi\u00e8res notions de math\u00e9matiques, dans un environnement d\u2019apprentissage s\u00fbr et ludique.",
            "display_title": "Les animaux",
            "headline": "Initier les tout-petits \u00e0 la magie du r\u00e8gne animal",
            "one_liner": "Explorez ensemble l\u2019univers de la faune avec une collection exaltante de figurines d\u2019animaux et d\u2019accessoires LEGO\u00ae DUPLO\u00ae color\u00e9s.",
            "tags": [],
            "title": "Les animaux"
    "market": {
        "us": {
            "skus": [
                    "item_id": 6294627
    "product_number": "45029",
    "product_versions": [
            "availability": {
                "launchDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
                "marketingExitDate": "2024-12-31T00:00:00"
            "building_instructions": [],
            "characteristics": {
                "isBatteryOperated": false
            "item_id": 6294626,
            "measurements": {
                "height": 118.0,
                "itemId": 6294626,
                "length": 540.0,
                "sizeUnit": "MM",
                "width": 282.0
            "piece_count": 91
            "availability": {
                "launchDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
                "marketingExitDate": "2024-12-31T00:00:00"
            "building_instructions": [],
            "characteristics": {
                "isBatteryOperated": false
            "item_id": 6294627,
            "measurements": {
                "height": 118.0,
                "itemId": 6294627,
                "length": 540.0,
                "sizeUnit": "MM",
                "width": 282.0
            "piece_count": 91
    "themes": []