BrickzApp - The opensource LEGO® database


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set 6154 - 2024-07-28 00:31:57.595080+02:00

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            "bullet_points": "\u2022  Includes 2 LEGO\u00ae DUPLO\u00ae figures: Cinderella with detachable skirt for dress up play and Prince Charming\r\n\u2022  Features castle with towers, staircase, portal and doors, table, 2 chairs, chest, mirror, bed and 2 blankets\r\n\u2022  Also includes decorated DUPLO bricks: fireplace, plate with biscuits, chandelier and portal\r\n\u2022  Familiar Disney theme helps children to develop imagination\r\n\u2022  DUPLO products are fun and easy for younger hands\r\n\u2022  The DUPLO building system is specially designed for children aged 18 months to five years\r\n\u2022  Cinderella's Castle measures over 10\u201d (25cm) tall, 5\u201d (12cm) deep and 15\u201d (38cm) wide",
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