BrickzApp - The opensource LEGO® database


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set 6156 - 2024-08-04 10:23:54.665776+02:00

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            "bullet_points": "\u2022  Includes 3 LEGO\u00ae DUPLO\u00ae figures: 2 males and a female\r\n\u2022 Vehicles include plane and safari vehicle\r\n\u2022  Features tent, fireplace, tree, bridge and assorted DUPLO bricks\r\n\u2022  Includes 8 DUPLO animals: ostrich, hippo, giraffe, leopard, elephant, baby elephant, crocodile and fish\r\n\u2022  Film the wild animals and learn about their natural environment!\r\n\u2022  Watch out for the snapping crocodile!\r\n\u2022  Familiar animal theme helps children to develop imagination\r\n\u2022  DUPLO products are fun and safe for younger hands\r\n\u2022  The DUPLO building system is specially designed for children aged 18 months to five years\r\n\u2022  Plane measures over 6\u201d (16cm) long and 7\u201d (19 cm) wide\r\n\u2022  Safari vehicle measures over 4\u201d (12cm) long",
            "description": "The film crew is on safari. They have spotted lots of wild animals including an ostrich, a hippo, a giraffe, a leopard, an elephant with its baby and even a dangerous crocodile with a fish in its mouth! When the sun goes down, the crew loves sitting around the fire talking about what they've seen. Includes 8 LEGOz\u00ae DUPLO\u00ae animals and 3 DUPLO figures: 2 males and a female.",
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